About Kunbi Plus

Launched in 2021, Kunbi Plus offers you a collection of handicraft items for home decors and kurtas for men. All of our products are hand made by our talented artisans and are collected from different parts of India. Our motive is to present and preserve the rich tradition and culture of our country, and promote the talented artists who are diligently practicing their artforms with respect. It is our collective effort to bring the heritage artforms that are spread across the country for thousands of years. We wholeheartedly support our traditions and artists, and feel delighted to offer you some of our unique artwork. At Kunbi Plus, you can find kurtas and shirts for men that are handwoven and designed by hand. You can also find handcrafted home decors; each one of them are one of their kinds. Kunbi Plus strives in promoting our artisans and their unique artforms that are an intricate part of our heritage and culture. We extend our support to those artists and help them in becoming financially independent.
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